Boot Camp

Boot Camp
As a challenging all body free weight workout, Bootcamp combines cardio and resistance exercises to improve your balance, strength and flexibility by employing battle ropes, slam balls and core bag lifts. Build your strength. Bootcamp is a challenging free-weight workout for your entire body which aims for increasing strength and improving your definition. Within this gym class there is an element of circuits, combined exercises, involved.

Fitness boot camps never go out of style for good reason: The military-inspired workouts burn serious calories. “Built on three fundamentals of training—cardio, strength, and agility—boot-camp workouts require little more than your body weight to get results. They’re more intense than any fitness class and more fun than traditional gym workouts.

Put aside all your exercise aids, Boot camps are all about bare essentials, up to the moves.
By mixing and matching exercises like jumping jacks, pushups, and squats together into circuits that go from one move to the next with little or no rest in between, these workouts turn your body into an highly-efficient resistance machine. Exercise experts say that the moves target muscles throughout your entire body and that they’re much more effective than equipment-based exercises that isolate one single muscle group at a time.

Trainers advise setting a time limit for each exercise – of about 20 to 60 seconds. Bootcamp fitness and training experts advise that doing so it helps keep you from pushing too hard and from slacking. Trainers explain that if they told their clients to do squats until they stop, the client would never give their 100 percent, however, if they said that the client should do squats for 30 seconds, the client would work harder because it seems more manageable and the end is in sight.

Without encumbering equipment or complicated moves, you can do a boot-camp workout anywhere—a park, a playground, even a parking lot. When researchers compared the mental benefits of an outdoor workout with an indoor one, 71 percent of the fresh-air exercisers felt less tense afterwards, while 72 percent of the cooped-up crew felt even more stressed. There are just some of the many benefits of Bootcamps.

Team Up
One key to success is teamwork and a sense of unity. A group makes you accountable to show up, and the support helps you push through an intense workout and when it comes to fitness the power of your peeps is well noticed. For example, one review of 87 major studies on nearly 50.000 subjects has found a clear link between social support, unity and exercise. The best would be to enlist or join a group of like-minded individuals or friends who strive for the same fitness goals, pick a time and place and get ready. If you do not show up, they will know and next time they’ll make you drop and do 20.

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